Embroidery on textile

Prestigious and quality technology that lasts forever.
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For the needs of our customers, we have built an embroidery unit in our production facility in Ostrava and currently have 40 embroidery heads at our disposal. 

Embroidery is considered one of the more premium technologies and we approach it as such. You will receive only the highest quality product from us and it doesn't matter if you choose to embroider on a t-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, backpack or even a hat. Thanks to our centralized production in Ostrava, we can manage the processes efficiently and control the resulting quality very well. An indisputable advantage of the embroidery itself is its durability, which lasts forever - or rather, copies the lifetime of the product itself.

But how does it actually work? The whole process starts with the digital transfer of your chosen design into the embroidery machine software. The machine's robotic needle is guided by pre-programmed instructions, and carefully embroiders each stitch. What distinguishes machine embroidery from conventional textile embroidery is speed and efficiency. We are able to spread the work among our machines so that you always have them on time and on the agreed upon deadline. All of our machines work with precision and ensure consistency and a flawless look to all embroidery. Whether it is a monogram on a shirt, a logo on a cap, a decorative design on a pillow or a full color logo on a sweatshirt. Every embroidery goes through a check under the eyes of our experts, and you can be sure that only the best is coming from our company.

On the same machines, in addition to the embroidery itself, we also produce patches and we use various types of thread from leading manufacturers to ensure the most efficient and highest quality output. In the basic offer we are ready to embroider with polyester threads, cotton threads, or even metallic or specially coloured threads. However, still, if you have a specific requirement, we will go through the options with our manufacturers and find common solutions.

Print on demand? So in this case, rather embroidery on demand - yes!

Our systems are interconnected with our largest partners and all orders are automatically uploaded to our system. This eliminates the burden of administration and complex data transfer. Everything is immediately available to us and we produce and ship orders in unbeatable time and quality. In this way we can produce embroidery starting from one piece for large volume orders.

Because we have all our production under one roof, it is no problem to combine individual technologies with each other to obtain a unique product. 


Verified references from our clients.
"S Danielsonem spolupracujeme už skoro deset let a rozhodně je mohu doporučit. Kvalitní tisk a dodání v termínu je samozřejmostí. Nejvíce si ale vážím rychlé a příjemné komunikace a také vstřícného řešení jakýchkoliv komplikací, nebo speciálních požadavků, které jsme za ty roky měli."
Tereza Barteková, Co-owner, Real Geek
"S firmou Danielson jsme začali spolupracovat někdy před deseti lety. Možná trošku náhodně a po malých zakázkách. Postupně jsme se přesvědčovali o parádním přístupu při zadávání zakázky a kvalitě vyrobeného zboží. Kvalita u Danielsonu prostě nemá kam uhnout a tak věříme, že naše spolupráce bude dál pokračovat. Nesmím zapomenout na hlavní věc. Danielson má obrovské štěstí na lidi se kterými komunikujeme. I když tuhle firmu oslovíte se svojí vůbec první zakázkou, tak se nemusíte bát. Poradí, vysvětlí… Prostě v Žatci je svět v pořádku."
Miroslav Skácelík, Sigma Olomouc

Get in touch with us

+420 774 016 696 production@danielson.cz