Customized merch

Be creative, invent your design and turn your idea into reality.
Textile embroidery
Singer, rapper
Print on T-shirts
Screen print
Music performer
Textile embroidery
Monster Energy
Print on T-shirts
Screen print
Ester Ledecká
Female athlete
Print on textile
Screen print
Hana Zagorová
Female singer
Print on T-shirts
Screen print
Customized merch

Do you own a merch or would you like to do business in this area?

With our company you get a unique opportunity to produce quality textiles in combination with unique prints and embroidery. All this according to the agreed terms, including professional advice and the type of packaging you choose.

Fast and pleasant communication, quality printing and on-time delivery are our strengths.


Our extensive experience in the field, which we have gained since 2006, enables us to offer expert and professional care at the highest level. In almost 20 years of existence, we have become a leader in the European Union, so you can rely on our knowledge and skills to meet even the most demanding requirements.


Our range of textiles is wide and represents all ages. So it doesn't matter whether you make clothes for children, teenagers or adults. Here you will find materials that meet your requirements for quality, comfort and design. We work with proven manufacturers and suppliers to provide you with a selection of the best options on the market, including sustainable materials. Should you not choose items from catalogue textiles, we are happy to make custom clothing for you.


To make sure your graphic design is perfectly tailored to your needs, we also offer the possibility of creating graphic concepts. Our professional graphic designers are here to help you express your vision and translate it into realistic prints and embroidery. Every detail, every element and every color is carefully thought out to make your product a true visual experience.


Individual packaging (e.g. practical packaging of 1 piece in a bag), marking the textile with your own textile label are an important part of the production process for us and give your product a professional look and unique impression.


We are proud of our customers.
Be one of them.
"S Danielsonem spolupracujeme už skoro deset let a rozhodně je mohu doporučit. Kvalitní tisk a dodání v termínu je samozřejmostí. Nejvíce si ale vážím rychlé a příjemné komunikace a také vstřícného řešení jakýchkoliv komplikací, nebo speciálních požadavků, které jsme za ty roky měli."
Tereza Barteková, Co-owner, Real Geek
"S Danielsonem spolupracujeme již dlouhé roky a rozhodně je mohu doporučit jako stabilního partnera. Kvalita a dodání v termínu je samozřejmostí. Dalšími benefity jsou rychlá, profesionální a příjemná komunikace. V případě komplikací je vždy vše pozitivně vyřešeno."
Renata Menšinová, Svijany
If you're looking for a partner who can provide you with complete production quickly, efficiently and without hassle, we're here for you.

Get in touch with us

+420 774 016 696